27 December 2008

CRM 4: Insufficient Permissions

I faced a weird issue where some of the users with same role privilege in CRM Titan can not log on to CRM web. After doing some research and study the CRM trace log text file, the workaround is to grant at least an user level on Write User Setting in the specific role.
(at least a value 1 in PrivilegeDepthMask column in RolePrivileges Table)

You can find on the security setting page>roles>Business Management Tab.

26 December 2008

ASP.NET: Access Denied on Event Log

When we use windows event log to handle our web app's exception, normally we will hit access denied when the application try to write a log into the specific machine.

Common cause of issue will be the security access rights to their event logs.

*SDDL=security descriptor definition language
*ACE String
*SID String
*Microsoft Support
In order to check the event log machine's access rights, Run>regedit then



from the Data, we can see the SDDL configuration of event log. Example from my machine:

To construct an SDDL string, note that there are three distinct rights that pertain to event logs: Read, Write, and Clear. These rights correspond to the following bits in the access rights field of the ACE string:
1= Read
2 = Write
4 = Clear

(0x3 means read&write, depend on what you want, such as 0x7) Reference the value above. Just copy another set and paste behind, eg.:I bold with blue color..

The word I highlight with red color above "IU" is refer to Interactively logged-on user;now, you may ask how I know which SID string I need to put if I want to allow NETWORK SERVICE user to have write access to event log.

I listed down some of the most common use of SID string and its value, detail please refer to the link i posted above.

(AU)AuthenticatedUser; (NU)Network logon user; (NS)Network service account; (SU)Service logon user

When hit this kind of error, first must find out which account do not have the access rights to event log and then grant the correct rights solved the problem.

Hope this post can help you!

22 December 2008

Service Unavailable when browsing CRM

After doing some configuration on CRM 4 server, i hit the "Service Unavailable" error when browsing CRM default homepage.

I am using CRM 64 bits version in windows 2003 with IIS6.
Problem cause by the IIS is not pointing to .NET framework v2.0 64bits anymore, since it is 32bits/64bits compatible. I suspect it default back to 32bits version.

Solution: What I did was open Command Prompt browse to [C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v2.0.50727>] then do an "aspnet_regiis.exe -i" to register it back.

Work like charm for me.
Hope this help others who facing the same problem.

13 December 2008

How to enable custom query string passing in CRM 4

Scenario: Auto fill in lookup fill on prospect create mode.

By default, MSCRM do not allow us to change the url of the CRM form,it will prompt CRM error page, for example the new prospect form. Url ended with this" /sfa/leads/edit.aspx"

How can I add custom parameter behind? " /sfa/leads/edit.aspx?user=Yang"
So that I can use javascript grab the parameter and perform additional tasks.

we need to do is change/add a DWORD registry key
named [DisableParameterFilter] under [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSCRM],
set the value to 1.

Run iisreset, now you can append your custom parameters like normal ASP.NET web form.

06 December 2008

My two cents for SQL Reporting Services

Working with SRS200 this few weeks, some of the trouble wasted me few hours to solve it.
So share some of the issues you might be looking for it.
Index was outside the bounds of the array

This error pop when I hit view report after I had changed the fields included in report. Click refresh button in preview mode remove the error.
It is cause by the report cahce previous columns in preview mode.
The report parameter is read-only and cannot be modified.
The Report parameter is set to read only, for SRS2005, this can be happen when you checked the Internal checkbox in report parameter screen
How to use RowNumber in grouping matrix table
put this expression in the row grouping 1st column.

03 December 2008

CRM Plugin: 32bits / 64 bits environment

Recently I found a post on CRM blog, most of the CRM developers develop plugin using 32 bits environment and then need to deploy to 64 bits production server. Latest SDK also included DLL for Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.dll and Microsoft.Crm.SdkTypeProxy.dll

  1. If you build using platform neutral, then it should works for both 32 & 64 bits environment CRM
  2. If you build using 32bits extension, then it should work on 32bits CRM only.
  3. If you build using 64bits extension, then it should work on 64bits CRM only.

Reference from ascentium CRM blog