23 January 2009

CRM 4: Modify default system view

Custom create view in CRM allowed us to delete and take control of all setting in the view; eg.: remove display colum, searching fields...

While CRM default view limited the customization of the view, you will see those view showing "You cannot delete this view". I will show some simple trick in order to Enable it back (You can delete system view then :D )

The CRM view setting actually store inside the database table [savedquerybaseset ]
Column [IsCustomizable]: * default is 0, just update it to 1.

Column [IsPrivate] to value 1 to hide.
update savedquerybaseset IsCustomizable=1
where name like 'test delete%'

If you having problem to remove column from view, refer to KB below:
Error message when you customize a view

Simple add about:blank to Trusted Sites.

18 January 2009

CRM 4.0 Update Rollup 2

Microsoft released the RoolUp 2 for MSCRM 4.0, this time including the rollup for SRS data connector, as usual it was packed into 64/32 bits version. You can get it from the link below
Download Here

Rollup 2 can be uninstall.
Update Rollup 1 is not a prerequisite.
Again, backup first before you make any major changes

Update rollup 2 also contains some of the update that you have to configure manually, refer the details on Microsoft KB article below

Details of the Rollup 2 documented in KB959419

14 January 2009


Recently, there have been many cases reported of a worm attack known as WORM_DOWNAD which exploits Microsoft Windows Operating System (MS08-67) vulnerability. The worm would cause your computer to experience exceptionally slow response and poor system performance. In addition, you may also have problems accessing websites. This worm will randomly pick those users in AD and try login, if your setting enable 3 times logout; then you will be headache!!!

Update latest patch for MS08-67 from Microsoft ASAP.
Almost all of the Microsoft opearting system open to this worm; etc:. MS server 03, XP...

07 January 2009

The Workstation service has not been started

If you hit this error when open webpage in browser, dont panic.
It just the "Workstation" service was stopped.
Simply go to RUN>type "net start workstation"; solve the problem.

*FYI: We can browse it in services component there. (RUN>services.msc)

Workstation purpose:
Creates and maintains client network connections to remote servers. If this service is stopped, these connections will be unavailable. If this service is disabled, any services that explicitly depend on it will fail to start.

05 January 2009

CRM4: Adding CRM style's button in template page

I added my custom link Bulk SMS Template to a custom aspx page.
First of all, browse to the CRMWeb, then Tools>>Templates>>map_xml.aspx
If you study the carefully, you will see the pattern. Just copy another set and then change to your custom page URL. You also can apply back the CRM default privilege setting on new added button.

<% if (Microsoft.Crm.Security.User.GetPrivilege(CurrentUser, Privileges.ReadContractTemplate)) { %>

Bulk SMS Template


Create and manage custom template for SMS message.


<% } %>

*page id put others number that does not exist on existing page.
* Get privilege function means that it will visible to user who has the privilege!